Run Tunnel on Startup for Windows

To run a tunnel on Windows startup, follow these steps:

  1. Generate an ssh key, if you don’t have one already.

    • In your terminal / command prompt run: ssh-keygen
    • Press Enter key (Return key) till the command finishes.

    This is necessary to skip the password input of the ssh command.

  2. Create a Batch File:

    • Open Notepad or any text editor.
    • Paste your Pinggy command into the text editor. For example:

    You can customize the command here:

    Invalid CIDR Format
    Invalid CIDR Format
    Alphanumeric characters only
  3. Save the Batch File:

    • After pasting the Pinggy command into the text editor, go to the ‘File’ menu and select ‘Save As’.

    • Choose a recognizable name for your batch file, such as pinggy_tunnel.bat.

    • Crucially, ensure you select ‘All Files’ from the ‘Save as type’ dropdown menu before saving. This prevents the file from being saved as a .txt file unintentionally.

    • Click ‘Save’ to confirm the creation of your batch file.

    Windows Save As Option
  4. Access the Startup Folder:

    • Press Win + R on your keyboard to open the Run dialog.
    • Type shell:startup and press Enter. This will open the Startup folder.
    Windows Startup
  5. Move the Batch File:

    • Copy or move the pinggy_tunnel.bat file you created into this Startup folder.
    Windows Startup Folder
  6. Run Tunnel on Startup:

    • The pinggy_tunnel.bat file in the Startup folder will execute automatically each time you log in to your Windows account.